Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
God still has an amazing plan for your life!
In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, we find the very first words spoken out of God’s mouth that are recorded in scripture.
“Let there be light...”
What is light? Light is something that makes things visible; it dispels the darkness. When darkness is all around you and you don’t know which way to go or what to do, light makes things clear. Light gives you visibility and clarity. Light makes the crooked paths straight.
I heard the Lord say that 2019 is Our Year Of Light.
Are you unsure of your purpose? Are you experiencing a lack of direction? Are you missing something? Are you wondering why it’s not working?
I believe throughout this year you will experience more clarity, visibility, revelation, insight, vision and purpose then you have ever known before.
By the end of this year, you will know what to do even when it seems like you don’t know what to do. You will have wisdom and understanding.
The light of insight will change your eyesight!
It’s time for you to ARISE and SHINE!
Say this out loud, “This is my year to arise and shine!”
I’ll be teaching on this more starting this Sunday and next Wednesday!
One final thought: With 2019 being your year of light, you will have perfect vision as you enter into the year 2020!