Feeling Drowsy
“Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”
Sometimes I feel lethargic. At times, when I feel drowsy, I attempt to blame my feelings on the weather or how busy I’ve been. When I start to analyze my feelings, I have to come to the conclusion that the thoughts floating around in my mind are causing me to feel lackadaisical.
Then I remember this verse.
The best way to change your current frame of mind is to start laughing.
Laughter creates joy!
Laughing is the bucket that enables you to scoop down into the wells of salvation and draw out joy and strength.
Oftentimes, I just start laughing for no reason at all. My attitude changes. My heaviness lifts. Drowsiness ceases to exist.
You can do the same thing. Right now. Nothing has to be funny in order to laugh. You don't need a comedian. Just start out by saying, "Ha Ha Ha!" Right now. Stop reading and start saying laughing. You can do it! I know if feels weird but if you keep it up, you will be laughing for real. Do it now. "Haha Haha Haha Haha Haha"
“Remember...A merry heart does good like medicine.”